
What is Exercise Physiology?

POSTED: 03 Jun, 2021

What is an Exercise Physiologist?

Lots of people ask us what an Exercise physiologist is. The answer lies in the ways our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) encourage strength, health and vitality through the design and delivery of exercise programs to treat all sorts of conditions. Our AEP’s are passionate about using exercise to help your body to perform at its best and are qualified, allied health professionals who have studied the human sciences and exercise physiology at a tertiary level. They have experience treating a wide array of clients and conditions, where the main goal is always to help the individual reach their optimum health in a respectful, holistic and enjoyable way.

How is an Exercise Physiologist different to a regular Physio?

The first thing you’ll notice at your initial appointment with one of our AEPs is that our services are far less ‘hands on’ than what you’d expect with a regular physio appointment. You won’t hear any cracks through your body or feel any sudden twists or turns – our aim is to utilise your body’s natural ability to stretch, bear weight and use resistance exercises to achieve long lasting results.

Who is Exercise Physiology for?

Exercise Physiology is a safe approach to health for people from all walks of life.

Exercise physiology is an ideal, ongoing treatment for those experiencing acute, referred or chronic pain associated with prolonged use or disease, like osteoporosis or arthritis for example. EAPs can also assist in rehabilitation programs for those experiencing health conditions relating to injury and disability, from seniors struggling with balance and occasional falls, right down to your post-operative rehab. Exercise Physiology can assist in treating conditions like diabetes, heart disease, stroke and even mental health conditions through the many known benefits of regular exercise on the body and mind. Exercise Physiology is safe for pregnant women and young children, and is helpful in combatting aches and pains associated with the bodies rapid growth during these stages of life.

Our tailored programs mean that your exercises will not exceed your capabilities nor jeopardise your progress. We can create a program for you that gradually develops the areas of your body in need – like strength, balance, core or mobility. Regardless of your age, health status or ability, Exercise Physiology can work at alleviating your pain, strengthening your body and improving your mental state and overall health.  

What the benefits of EP?

Scientific research shows that maintain a specialised exercise program can ~

  • Assist in maintaining a healthy weight
  • Strengthen bones, joints and muscles
  • Improve heart and lung health
  • Increase coordination, control, agility and flexibility
  • Decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterol
  • Lower blood pressure, blood sugar and stabilise insulin levels
  • Stimulate proteins that encourage sharper thinking skills
  • Improve mood and energy levels
  • Increase likelihood of a better night’s sleep
  • Decrease risks of uterine, lung and colon cancers
  • Slow rate of bone density
  • Decrease risk of falls

 Exercise Physiology is a thorough, non-invasive approach to improved health through the regular administration of specialised exercises. We have numerous clients from all walks of life ~ from the very young to the young at heart, from the very able-bodied to those living with disability, disease and injury.

If you feel that Exercise Physiology might help you to get the most out of life, feel free to give us a call on 07 3419 4796 or book online to discuss your options.

About the author

Chris is our Accredited Exercise Physiologist. He has spent the past two years working as an EP in private practices across Queensland. Chris has a special interest in chronic disease prevention & management, musculoskeletal and sports injury rehabilitation, weight management, healthy ageing and ... more

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